About us

To speak of Maître Kaissa Camara is to open a corner of the veil on the skills, the commitment and the exceptional dynamism of a woman who leaves an indelible mark on the notarial sector in Guinea. Master’s degree in business law from the Kofi Annan University of Guinea (UKAG). The Secretary General and Treasurer of the Chamber of Notaries of Guinea, is a woman with exceptional leadership who has forged a reputation built on the rock of mastery of her sector of activity, her desire to serve her country, her training academic and professional is inspiring and enviable. This tri-type, which brought him to congresses, seminars, universities and meetings in the sub-region and even beyond. We can cite among others: His brilliant participation in the congress of notaries of Africa held in Dakar, in the Senegalese capital, his participation in the seminar on Legal Setups for business development in the OHADA space, his interactive training on the Struggle against Money Laundering (AML/CFT), its active participation in the seminar on business clean-up in Guinea or even its participation in 2023 at the XVIth University of Notaries of Africa in Lomé on current themes, notably matrimonial regimes in Africa, notarial ethics and third party security, Digitalization and the notary in his relations with mortgage services,

verbal co-ownership, the file of last wishes, the transfer of individual and family businesses etc…), his participation as a member of the official delegation to Morocco within the framework of south-south cooperation between the National Council of the Order of Notaries of Morocco and the Chamber of Notaries of Guinea, its participation in the XVIIth University of African Notaries in Congo Brazzaville on the themes: (Management of the Notarial Office, Civil real estate companies, Mediation, new seizures) .

This notariat in essence which certainly has a moderating role, better which has the adequate instrument to restore the broken balances often to the detriment of the weakest by allowing the indigent to avoid legal recourse with costly consequences. With regard to her mission, she is a legal professional, a responsible and liberal professional, a professional witness to contractual fairness between citizens, a professional serving social peace and guarantor of equality. In order to lead a fight in the field of human rights, since 2015 it has set up a foundation called the “Pan-African Humanitarian Foundation” which works within the framework of humanitarian development aid.


A firm focused on customer satisfaction

Our vision

Our first mission is advice followed by the drafting of authentic documents, ensuring the date, keeping the minutes, delivering bulk documents and shipments. The drafting of all forms of contract, whether simple or seemingly, civil or tax issues

Our mission

Guarantee the legal certainty and effectiveness of the documents we draft, by leveraging our legal expertise and our role as a public official, to prevent disputes and ensure the sustainability of our clients' rights.

Our strengths

Notaries being a noble and relevant activity, the Notary is a preventive judge, a legal professional, a public officer holding perfect authority of public power. All its acts bear a certain date, probative force and enforceability.

Some certificates from Master Kaissa Camara

history of Kaissa Camara

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