FAQ about Real estate


Everything you need to know about real estate

As part of a real estate acquisition, the documents to be provided are:

The property titles of the building subject to acquisition;

The identity documents of all parties as well as their witnesses to the operation.

The general information in the context of a lease is:

The property titles of the building subject to the lease;

The identities of all parties to the lease;

The quality of the lessor;

The duration ;

The amount of rent;

The sliding scale;

The deposit;

Except that in the context of a construction lease, some additional information such as:

The nature and amount of construction work carried out;

The estimated duration of construction works;

The detailed architectural plan, and the nature of the materials used for construction.

The designation of the building subject to rental;

The identities of the parties (Owner and tenant);

The amount of rent;

The duration of the contract ;

The property titles of the building subject to the donation;

The identities of donors and donees;

The identities of witnesses;

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